
Ethnic minority children struggle to learn Chinese
- 2013-07-21
- 2013-07-21
Inadequate provisions for teaching Chinese as a second language to South Asian students strip them of access to higher education

Father's deadly kiss
- 2013-07-21
- Health & Environment
- 2013-07-21
The tale of an accidental infant death from herpes should raise alarms for the public as well as the city's government about the severity of herpes

Homeless and new immigrants barred from food banks
- 2013-07-21
- 2013-07-21
Strict rules say recent arrivals and needy with no proof of residence connot benefit from government-funded programmes

The ideas from life
- 2013-07-21
- People
- 2013-07-21
A designer-turned entrepreneur shares her thoughts about developing useful desgins from daily observations

Organic by deception
- 2013-07-21
- 2013-07-21
A lack of legislation to regulate what can be called organic has laid bare legal loopholes to be exploited. The organic label is what I treasure most. Without regulation, people cannot have enough confidence in organic food. -MR. SHEA SHEUNG KWONG, owner of Chun San Yuen Organic farm

Think twice about white rice?
- 2013-07-21
- Health & Environment
- 2013-07-21
Harvard study shows eating rice may increase the risk of diabetes While white rice has a mean glycemic index of 64, whole wheat has a GI of 41

Breaking the mould of pop music
- 2013-07-21
- Culture & Leisure
- The Young Reporter
- 2013-07-21
Boys group Heroz tries to break a new path with songs about life rather than love triangles

Embrace craziness
- 2013-07-21
- Culture & Leisure
- The Young Reporter
- 2013-07-21
Do crazy activities only bring laughter and fun to participants, or do they also help them release stress in a highly competitive city like Hong Kong?

Puffing On Campus
- 2013-07-21
- 2013-07-21
College student smokers undeterred by lax and inconsistent regulations "So even if the university is well aware of the fact that smoking exists in student residence halls, barring any preemptive or more aggressive measures, the school can do nothing but wait." - Mr Leo Hung, Resident Coordinator of Y.P. Cai Hall at Bpatist University