
Friendly flies
- 2013-03-18
- 2013-03-18
The insects' babies may bring new hope for the city's food waste problem

Three birds, one stone
- 2012-11-15
- 2012-11-15
Microalgae are the answer to energy shortage, water pollution and global warming

Printing freely
- 2012-11-15
- 2012-11-15
Most universities in Hong Kong provide students with free printing quotas, but eyebrows have been raised regarding their environmental efficiency

Food for thought
- 2012-10-15
- 2012-10-15
Local group takes the lead to lower food waste, but more should be done, it says

Local second-hand exchange platforms are struggling to show impact
- 2012-08-15
- 2012-08-15
Second-hand exchange shops are somewhat of an enigma in Hong Kong. They have been around for years, but few people are aware of their existence or benefits