Follow us for live coverage of Chief Executive John Lee's inaugural policy address 2022.
1:45 PM: John Lee's first policy address has officially ended. Come back for more TYR coverage in the afternoon.
1:44 PM: "I have full confidence in the future of Hong Kong,” says Lee, as he ends his first policy address.
1:40 PM: John Lee surpasses previous Chief Executive Carrie Lam for the longest policy address ever, with the previous time being 2 hours and 39 minutes last year.
1:38 PM: Lee mentions relaxation of Covid-19 measures but did not mention any plans for a "0+0" scheme. This was expected by multiple insiders, considering a possible surge of cases in the winter.
1:36 PM: John Lee is discussing with the mainland to resume normal cross-boundary travel.
1:34 PM: "The greatest impact with the lowest control," commented Lee on the Covid-19 epidemic measures.
1:33 PM: Land will be provided for a new starter project to help more young people buy their first home and provide more youth hostels for young people.
1:31 PM: An annual Hong Kong Youth festival will be begin next year.
1:27 PM: The Home and Youth affairs Bureau will be released the first major document in Hong Kong on nurturing youth development.
1:24 PM: All new teachers in public schools must pass the Basic Law test, to be "role models" for students and will treat misconduct in a "serious manner". They will also be required to participate in mainland study tours.
1:22 PM: All public school have to educate parents on National Security.
All publicly-funded schools will organise one or more activities relating to national education for parents every year, said John Lee#policyaddress2022@hkbutyr
— Noah Tsang (@TsangHingtsz) October 19, 2022
1:22 PM: To improve the quality of National Security education, co-school and joint-school activities will be implemented.
1: 20 PM: The government will launch diplomas of applied education programs, to provide alternate employment routes besides university.
1: 18 PM: The government will extend the interest-free loan deferral payment for students for another year.
1:15 PM: Teachers to undergo STEM education over the next two years.
1:14 PM: To enhance Hong Kong's quality of education STEM education will be promoted in Hong Kong students at a primary and secondary level.
1:12 PM: The Transport Subsidy Scheme will be extended for another 6 months.
1:10 PM: Electric transportation vehicles such as electric double deckers and electric taxis will be introduced into Hong Kong.
1:07 PM: The government plans to reduce sewage waste by half by the end of 2024.
1:06 PM: Employment assistance and a trial service centre and emotional counselling will be provided to ethnic minorities to increase recruitment.
1:06 PM: HK$ 10 million will be allocated towards a women empowerment fund.
The annual fund to Women's Commission will increase from 4,000,000 HKD to 10,000,000 HKD, helping women in Hong Kong balance career and home life, according to John Lee.— Nancy LI (@NancyLI_endless) October 19, 2022
1:04 PM: A bill against child abuse will be introduced into Legco in the first half of the year, says Lee.
1:01 PM: Monthly allowance for single parents in low-income to increase by 25%, says Lee.
12:56 PM: The government plans to restructure the Commission on Poverty, says Lee.
12:54 PM: Plans to improve ecotourism in Lantau show a contrast against Carrie Lam’s controversial “Lantau Tomorrow Vision” announced at 2020’s policy address.
12:53 PM: To promote ecotourism, the government will build a 60km "Round the Island trail" on Hong Kong Island connecting waterfront promenades and the southern district, says Lee.
12:51 PM: Urban sports such has 3 on 3 basketball, sports climbing and skateboarding will be promoted, says John Lee.
12: 49 PM: Lee says the government will identify students in need of receiving mental health support. This comes after almost half of Hong Kong secondary students show signs of depression this year, according to the Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service.
3. The Government will also increase psychiatric support hotlines to provide timely assistance#policyaddress2022 #施政報告2022 @hkbutyr
— GAO Yixin Joy (@JoyYixin) October 19, 2022
12:46 PM: John Lee introduces Hong Kong's first ever 10 year hospital development plan, which includes development of the healthcare system in the Northern Metropolis.
12:46 PM:
12:46 #policyaddress2022
John Lee said the government will launch the three-year Chronic Disease Co-Care Pilot Scheme from next year, people who are screened to be at high risk of hypertension or diabetes will be referred to the private sector for further examination.@hkbutyr
— Leung Tsz In Warren (@tszin_warren) October 19, 2022
12:45 PM: To improve patient's experience, drug collection and delivery will be improved.
12: 42 PM: John Lee says the "Health Care Voucher" scheme , which was launched in 2009, will be enhanced for the elderly.
12: 40 PM: To relieve burden on Hong Kong's healthcare system, emphasis from treatment-oriented healthcare will be shifted to a prevention-focused and community-based system.
12: 36 PM: John Lee announces the construction of different transport infrastructure, increasing Hong Kong's productivity and integrating development with the Greater Bay Area.
John Lee set out the priorities for rail and major arterial roads in 2023
1. North Metro Highway
2. Shatin Bypass
3. Yau Tong Tunnel at Tseung Kwan O
4. Hong Kong-Shenzhen Western Railway
5. Central Rail Line
6. Tseung Kwan O Line Southern Extension#policyaddress2022 @hkbutyr— GAO Yixin Joy (@JoyYixin) October 19, 2022
12: 33 PM: John Lee proposes artificial islands to be constructed to promote international business opportunities and economic development.
12:29 PM: John Lee plans to expedite 80% building plans on the first and second submissions.
12: 27 PM: John Lee plans to turn greenbelt sites for housing development, expected to provide 70, 000 units.
12: 25 PM:
The Secretary for Housing will be in charge of an action group to develop "Well-Being" design guidelines for new public housing projects, said John Lee— Noah Tsang (@TsangHingtsz) October 19, 2022
12:24 PM: The demand for private housing in the next five years will increase, says John Lee.
John Lee anticipates 129,000 units for private housing, pledges 72,000 residential units in the next 5 years. #policyaddress2022
— Dhuha Al-Zaidi (@dhuhaalzjourno) October 19, 2022
12:22 PM: John Lee says private developers will be able to participate in subsidised housing development.
12:19 PM: Public housing to be increased by 35% in the next five years, says John Lee.
12:19 PM: John Lee introduces Light Public Housing (LPH).
12: 17 PM: Waiting time for public housing to be shortened from six years to four and a half years over the next four years, addressing Hong Kong's existing housing problem.
12:14 PM: The projected demand for public housing is 30,000 units, says John Lee.
12: 13 PM: 600 million dollars will be to the Hong Kong Tourism Board to promote local tourism in light of the Covid-19 epidemic. This comes after tourism’s decreasing contribution to Hong Kong's GDP since 2018.
12:11 PM: Lee plans to open up Shau Tai Kok for cultural and eco-tourism, a closed area on the Hong Kong-Shenzhen border.
12:10 PM:
#PolicyAddress2022 @hkbutyr
For increasing development intensity. The government will make the best use of the land resources in the Northern Metropolis by adopting higher plot ratios, said John Lee— Noah Tsang (@TsangHingtsz) October 19, 2022
12:09 PM: Landmarks in the Northern Metropolis will be developed, says John Lee.
12:07 PM:
John Lee said under the measures implemented, the northern metropolis will become an "international INT city"#PolicyAddress #Policyaddress2022@hkbutyr
— Marcus Lum (@marcus_lum) October 19, 2022
12:06 PM: The department for the development of the Northern Metropolis will be set up next year.
John Lee said the government will further expand the development of northern metropolis as "the engine of growth". #PolicyAddress#policyaddress2022@hkbutyr
— Cheuk Ka Ho (@Rex_CheukKaho) October 19, 2022
12:03 PM: John Lee plans to strengthen protection of Intellectual Property (IP) rights.
12:00 PM: Hong Kong Law Week to be held next month with lead delegations of the legal profession to showcase to the international community the advantages of Hong Kong’s law system.
11:59 AM: A three-runway system at Hong Kong's airport is expected to be completed in 2024, says John Lee.
At the same time, the construction of freight transportation at land ports will be improved, and the method of one place, two inspections and one release will be adopted.
— Yang Hanzhi (@Hanzhi77Yang) October 19, 2022
11:58 AM: John Lee says is working with the Hong Kong Airport Authority to develop Hong Kong's aviation hub.
11:56 AM: "Hong Kong is one of the ten busiest ports in the world," says John Lee. Hong Kong used to be the first but has fallen significantly over the past decade.
11: 53 AM: John Lee says Hong Kong will "capitalise on opportunities on the mainland".
11:51 AM:
11:51 #policyaddress2022
John Lee said the government has asked the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) to look into ways to nurture arts and cultural talents for Hong Kong and the GBA, includes to establish a new campus in the Northern Metropolis.@hkbutyr
— Leung Tsz In Warren (@tszin_warren) October 19, 2022
11:46 AM: John Lee says he will work on expanding Hong Kong's pop culture including film, TV and streaming platforms by cross-sectoral production teams.
The Hong Kong government will work with the West Kowloon Cultural District to cultivate more artistic talents, John Lee said.#policyaddress2022@hkbutyr
— Claire GUO (@ClaireGUO__) October 19, 2022
11: 46 AM: The Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts will help the government nourish the arts and talents and establish a new campus.
11:45 AM: John Lee plans to expand the 5G network.
11:44 AM: The Science Park and Cyberport will be expanded, says John Lee.
11:44 #policyaddress2022
The expansion works of the Science Park and Cyberport will be completed in phases from 2025, providing 100 000 square metres of additional floor area. The Science Park/Pak Shek Kok Station of the East Rail Line plan for commissioning by 2033.@hkbutyr
— Leung Tsz In Warren (@tszin_warren) October 19, 2022
11:41 AM: John Lee plans to increase smart production lines, the use of smart equipments to optimise factory operations in Hong Kong by four times.
11:40 AM: John Lee proposes the "Raise Plus Scheme".
9/ 10 billion HK$ would be used for a "raise plus scheme" next year to fund schools for R&D outcomes #policyaddress @hkbutyr
— Ming Min (@MingMinnt) October 19, 2022
11: 38 AM: John Lee will plan on achieving industrialisation by promoting commercialisation of different developments.
11:35 AM: John Lee announces a new office - the Chief Executive Policy Unit.
11:34 AM: John Lee plans to strengthen business operations with the Mainland.
11:34 #policyaddress2022
John Lee said the government will make use of the strengthened Guangdong-Hong Kong and Hong Kong-Shenzhen co-operation mechanisms and utilise the relevant task forces as platforms to deepen collaboration with other GBA cities@hkbutyr
— Leung Tsz In Warren (@tszin_warren) October 19, 2022
11: 33 AM: John Lee says the "Policy Holder Protection Scheme" will be established.
11: 33 AM: John says the implementation of mutual market asset arrangements will be sped up.
11:32 AM : John Lee speaks on enhancing competitiveness in the industry, by providing start ups more effective fundraising platforms.
11:28 AM: John Lee plans to gradually reopen travel borders between Hong Kong and the Mainland.
John Lee said immigration policies would be relaxed and people from mainland China will be allowed to return to Hong Kong.
— Yang Hanzhi (@Hanzhi77Yang) October 19, 2022
11:28 AM: John Lee says Hong Kong is facing "manpower shortages".
11:26 AM : The limit of stay under employment visa will be extended in efforts to attract talents to Hong Kong.
6/ The employment stay would be extended to a maximum of three years as part of the new talents scheme. A dedicated team to attract new talents would be set up, encouraging Hong Kongers staying overseas to return home. #policya
11:26 AM: John Lee will reduce stamp duty payments for foreign property owners.
John Lee said that eligible foreign talents can apply for a refund of the additional stamp duty(SSD) paid for buying properties in Hong Kong after they become Hong Kong permanent residents. #policyaddress
— Poonh_Jacky (@Poonkh_Jacky) October 19, 2022
11:23 AM : The government will be relaxing immigration arrangements for non-local graduates.
11: 22 AM: Launching the top talent task scheme for two years.
11:21 AM : To better accommodate employees of target enterprises, making things easier for them through processes such as the visa process.
11:21 AM: John Lee will establish the "Talent Service Unit", to attract more talents.
11:21 #policyaddress2022
John Lee said the government will establish the Talents Service Unit, which is led by the Chief Secretary for Administration, to formulate strategies to recruit talents from the Mainland and overseas.@hkbutyr
— Leung Tsz In Warren (@tszin_warren) October 19, 2022
11: 21 AM: "The government will proactively troll the world for talents," John Lee says.11:21 AM: John Lee will focus on promoting the growth of target enterprises in Hong Kong, attracting global talents and retaining local talents.
11: 20 AM:
John Lee plans to strengthen the reward and punishment system for civil servants, and publicly praise civil servants who have performed well.#policyaddress
— Chloe Cheung (@ChloeChy23) October 19, 2022
11:15 AM: “We have to be result oriented,” says John Lee commenting on policy initiatives.11: 14 AM: "One plus one is greater than two," says John Lee on valuing team spirit.
11: 12 AM:
11:12 #policyaddress2022
John Lee said the Government will strictly adhere to the improved electoral system in organising various elections in accordance with the law. Patriots aspiring to participate in politics can be elected in a transparent and fair election. @hkbutyr
— Leung Tsz In Warren (@tszin_warren) October 19, 2022
11:11 AM: John Lee proposes improvement of governance systems.
11:07 AM : John Lee mentions the "One Country Two Systems".
11:05 AM: “There is no reason to change such a good policy,” said John Lee.
11:05 AM: John Lee mentions Xi Jinping’s “important speech” about the importance of young people on Hong Kong’s development.
11:01 AM: John Lee takes his mask off as he begins his first policy address.
The chief executive chose to take off his mask to make his speech.#施政報告2022 #policyaddress2022
— GAO Yixin Joy (@JoyYixin) October 19, 2022
《The Young Reporter》
The Young Reporter (TYR) started as a newspaper in 1969. Today, it is published across multiple media platforms and updated constantly to bring the latest news and analyses to its readers.

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