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The Young Reporter Won China Daily's 2013 Campus Newspaper Awards

Five heavyweights celebrating the awards given to The Young Reporter at 2013 Campus Newspaper Award organised by China Daily. They are: (from left to right) Mr Victor Fung, principal lecturer at our journalism department; Editor-in-Chief Brian Yap; Mr Michael Wong Wai-lun, JP, Director of Information Services at HKSAR government; former Editor-in-Chief Alan Wong; and our advisor plus veteran TYRer CK Lau.



Our Editor-in-Chief Brian Yap has received a merit of "Best in News Reporting" and of "Best in News Writing" on 2013 Campus Newspaper Award, organised by China Daily, for his feature on the city's "N-Nothing" class published in December issue last year.

The awarded piece can be accessed here:

Our former Editor-in-Chief Alan Wong has received a merit of "Best in News Page Design" on 2013 Campus Newspaper Award, organised by China Daily, for his layout design of the LegCo Losers Special published in November issue last year. He has also won the "Best in Overall Design" for our March issue that examined the effects of Individual Visit Scheme launched ten years ago.

Profile of Mr Lau Kong-wah at:
The feature on three independent LegCo election candidates at:

The feature of defeated pan-democrats at:

Digital version of our March issue at:


《The Young Reporter》

The Young Reporter (TYR) started as a newspaper in 1969. Today, it is published across multiple media platforms and updated constantly to bring the latest news and analyses to its readers.


Ethnic minority children struggle to learn Chinese

The Young Reporter Vol. 46