Letter from the Editor - 2014 December issue
- 2015-01-09
The Pulitzer Prize Winners Workshop held in late October to November was enlightening to The Young Reporter team. This year's theme is on the dilemma between the public's right to know and national security. In this December issue, our Pulitzer specials column features the winners' insights on the technology problems reporters face, and the tear and joy of being a political cartoonist. Our cover story features the rise of taxi-hiring apps which give discounts to users, looking behind the popularity of this illegal business from the eyes of the users - both drivers and customers. Next, you will find a wide range of stories on different issues, including a review of the highschool liberal-studies syllabus, problems with householdmedicine disposal and the life stories of a successful business woman and a female car racer. Following is a feature on the deadly Ebola virus - whether Chinese medicine would make an alternate cure for the disease. After, we introduce to you new forms of arts and leisure activities - the making of miniature books and geocaching. You would not want to miss the stunning photo story of Chungking Mansions and its people - maybe the place holds more than you think! Please write to us or find us on social media platforms if there are any exciting stories you wish our team explore in the new year. Happy holidays and see you in 2015!
Carain Yeung Editor
《The Young Reporter》
The Young Reporter (TYR) started as a newspaper in 1969. Today, it is published across multiple media platforms and updated constantly to bring the latest news and analyses to its readers.

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