Community teams in Hebei cope with scarce resources while fighting epidemic
- By: Sunny SunEdited by: GOH Kylan
- 2020-02-19
Since February 1, Zhangjiakou government has required each residential community to form a coronavirus prevention team composed of at least 10 members to control personnel access and register residents' health situation, while due to the medical resources in short supply and limited joint members, community workers overworked only with basic protection.
At the gate of some communities, temporary board houses or tents are built as epidemic checkpoints for community workers to check the identity card of the residents and detect the temperature of entering personnel. Some of them even continue working for 4 hours only with a table under the degrees below zero.

"I put on 3 pieces of the warmest jacket in my home to resist cold weather," said Angela Zhang, the one assigned to the community to assist epidemic control work during the outbreak of coronavirus. "It's tough work for limited community workers."
Aside from guarding at the gate of the community, she needs to distribute and collect the health registration form. The health registration form includes the names, the telephone number, and the travel situation of the residents in the past two weeks.

"I paste the form on the door of each household and remind them to fill it in by phone," said Ms Zhang. Such work will repeat 3-5 times to get the effective response of each family."
The community epidemic prevention work is facing a shortage of workers. Primary and secondary teachers are also required to be on duty at the gate of each community to assist community workers' work from February 1to 7.

"The secretary of our community joint committee has not been home for several days because of the work to prevent the epidemic," said Ms Zhang.
Medical supplies in short cannot guarantee the basic needs of community workers. Ms Wang, a community worker, who is not willing to tell her name, has worn her medical masks for 30 days. She wears the ordinary masks outside the medical masks to prevent the transmission of coronavirus.
"We almost ran 'naked' on the front line," said Ms Zhang.
《The Young Reporter》
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