LIVE: Hong Kong Policy Address 2020
- By: LI Chak Ho Samuel、Shameel IbrahimEdited by: SamuelMo
- 2020-11-25
Live Coverage of the Hong Kong Policy Address, Nov 25 2020
1:20pm: Carrie Lam said, last year she has faced the toughest challenges in all her 40 years of public service.
This concludes the live coverage of Hong Kong Policy Address 2020, the longest policy address on record. Stay tuned for more in-depth coverage on our website and social media platforms.
#CarrieLam says she has faced the toughest challenges in all her 40 years of public service, the last year. #PolicyAddress2020 @hkbutyr
— Simran Vaswani (@Simran_TYR) November 25, 2020
TYR on social media:
1:16pm: The Hong Kong government will provide HK$300 million to address the city's growing mental health issues.
Mrs. Lam said that the government will spend 300 million dollars to better support and raise public mental health awareness@hkbutyr #PolicyAddress2020
— Janice Lo (@janicelo_cl) November 25, 2020
1:10pm: More than 2000 teenagers have been arrested in the past social movement. In view of this, Carrie Lam said students need to develop a better sense of national belonging and moral development.
More than 2000 teenagers were arrested in the past social movement. In view of this, Carrie Lam said students need to have more sense of national belonging and moral development. #policyaddress @hkbutyr
— Yetta Lam (@yetta0621) November 25, 2020
1:08pm: Carrie Lam says more languages regarding information from the Hong Kong Observatory will be available for ethnic minorities living in the city.
1:04 pm
Carrie Lam says information on the Hong Kong Observatory will include several more languages for readability by ethnic minorities in the city. #PolicyAddress2020 @hkbutyr
— Simran Vaswani (@Simran_TYR) November 25, 2020
Carrie Lam is delivering the policy address in the Legislative Council chamber Photo: Eunice Lam
1:02pm: Two museums in the West Kowloon Cultural District — M+ Museum and HK Palace Museum — along with HKMoA "turn a new page in HK's visual arts landscape," according to Carrie Lam.
Betty Fung Ching Suk-yee will become the new head of the West Kowloon Cultural District next month. Ms Fung is a close political aide of Carrie Lam.
Betty Fung Ching Suk-yee to become new head of WKCD next month
Fung is a close political aide of Carrie Lam
— Jasmine Tse (@JasmineTseHKBU) November 25, 2020
12:56pm: The government will subsidise Hong Kong tech companies to hire Hong Kong people to work in the Greater Bay Area.
12:56 #policyaddress #tyr
The government will subsidies Hong Kong technology companies to hire Hong Kong people to work in the Greater Bay Area.— Sara Cheng (@SaraCheng0330) November 25, 2020
12:50pm: Carrie Lam said that Hong Kong aims to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050.
12:40pm: Carrie Lam said the government has plans to revitalise the Jumbo Floating Restaurant, an icon of the city that closed in March due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The renowned restaurant has been visited by Queen Elizabeth and Tom Cruise and featured in a James Bond film.
The renowned restaurant was visited by Queen Elizabeth, @TomCruise and featured in a James Bond film.
— Simran Vaswani (@Simran_TYR) November 25, 2020
The government will give the Jumbo Floating Restaurant to Ocean Park for revitalisation, and it will be run as a non-profit restaurant.
12:37pm: Carrie Lam cited two main reasons for the city's damaged reputation. First, the social unrest in 2019 followed by the "unreasonable criticism and smearing" of the National Security Law while ousting four democratically-elected legislators.
Lam cites 2 main reasons for the city's damaged reputation
- 2019 social unrests
- "unreasonable criticism and smearing" of the NSL and the government's ousting of 4 democratically-elected legislators— Jasmine Tse (@JasmineTseHKBU) November 25, 2020
12:33pm: Carrie Lam said that the government has identified all 330 hectares of land, catering to Hong Kong's public housing needs.
#policyaddress Carrie Lam mentioned that the government has identified all 330 hectares of land, catering Hong Kong’s public housing needs.
— Fifi Tsui (@TsuiFifi) November 25, 2020
12:30pm: “We are not going to give up on the Lantau Tomorrow Vision," the government's plan to build housing on reclaimed land off the coast of Lantau Island. The plan has received widespread public criticism.
12:19pm: Carrie Lam said HK$600 million will be allocated to the tourism industry, which has been hard hit by COVID-19.
#hkbutyr #HK #policyaddress
HK$600 million dollars to help the tourism industry. Being struck heavily by the pandemic, the measures will benefit travel agencies, tour guides and drivers who cater mainly to tourists, said Carrie Lam.— wangyichun (@wangyichun3) November 25, 2020
12:16pm: Carrie Lam says the government will provide 15,000 transitional houses within three years for families waiting for public housing.
12:15pm: Carrie Lam said the government will roll out large-scale publicity and promotion strategies to promote Hong Kong to talents around the world as the pandemic situation stabilises.
The government will roll out large-scale publicity and promotion strategies to promote Hong Kong to talents around the world as the pandemic situation stabilises. #policyaddress
— Nicole Ko (@kmyniko) November 25, 2020
12:11pm: Carrie Lam just announced that Hong Kong will join the RCEP, the world's largest trade pact.
12:07pm: Carrie Lam has agreed to a proposal of building an automated car park by the Hong Kong entrance to the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge.
Carrie Lam has agreed to a proposal of building automated car park by the Hong Kong entrance to the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge.— Fifi Tsui (@TsuiFifi) November 25, 2020
11:49am: Carrie Lam said Hong Kong Aviation industry has been impacted hugely by COVID-19 and the premier logistic centre will be built by 2023.
11:43 Carrie Lam said Hong Kong Aviation industry have been impacted hugely by COVID 19 and the premier logistic centre will be built by 2023. #policyaddress2020 @hkbutyr
— Vikkichoi (@vikkichuchucai) November 25, 2020
11:48am: Carrie Lam says that there will be a tax concession for carried interest issued by private equity funds operating in Hong Kong.
There will be tax concession for carried interest issued by private equity funds operating in Hong Kong, says Carrie Lam. #policyaddress
— Nicole Ko (@kmyniko) November 25, 2020
11:45am: Mrs. Lam expressed confidence in Hong Kong's status as an international aviation hub, despite the global epidemic.
Mrs. Lam added that the Greater Bay Area also underscores Hong Kong's importance as an aviation hub.
11:43am: Chief Executive Carrie Lam says the decisions made related to COVID-19 are all "science-based" and have no "political concerns."
She expresses gratitude to Beijing for the mass testing and reserving vaccines for Hong Kong citizens in the future.
11:34am: Everything remains quiet outside of government offices during the 2020 policy address, Leone Xue reports from the scene. Last year, hundreds of protesters disrupted the policy address. Since last year, major pro-democracy activists have been arrested and some charged under the new National Security Law that went into effect over the summer.
11:24am: The Department of Justice will strive to implement "Vision 2030", a ten-year plan which includes educating the youth on The Rule of Law, says Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor.
The Department of Justice will strive to implement "Vision 2030", a ten year plan which includes educating the youth on The Rule of Law, says Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor #PolicyAddress2020 #HongKong @hkbutyr
— Simran Vaswani (@Simran_TYR) November 25, 2020
Unlike last year, there are no protests outside the Legislative Council. Photo: Leone Xue
Carrie Lam is giving her 2020 policy address in a Legislative Council with no pro-democracy lawmakers.
11am: Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-Ngor opens the Policy Address in Legco. In 2019, her policy address was disrupted by pro-democracy protesters, and for the first time in history, she delivered it online only.
《The Young Reporter》
The Young Reporter (TYR) started as a newspaper in 1969. Today, it is published across multiple media platforms and updated constantly to bring the latest news and analyses to its readers.

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