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On the other side of the - Voices against Occupy Central

As tens of thousands of people join the Occupy Central movement, others have complained that the campaign has hurt the livelihood of ordinary people by blocking roads and traffic. 


1. Mr Allan Zeman

Entrepreneur Former chairman of Ocean Park

"At some point you need to open the roads.

You're choking off the economy."


2. Ms Chan Ching-sum

Caring Hong Kong Power spokesperson

(Source: Mingpao)

"They kept asking why the police did not enforce the law to protect the occupation protesters. I want to tell them. Those occupation people would not have been still occupying the road if the police had enforced the law in the first place to evict them."



3. Mr Robert Chow-yung

Alliance for Peace and Democracy spokesperson

"If the people say no, please don't disrupt our lives...... By all means fight with the government, by all means fight with China, but please don't make us hostages."


4. Mr Fu Chun-chung 

Defend Hong Kong Campaign convener

"The central government made a clear framework for the further three-year discussions [on reform]. The central government should ‘shut the door down' and we should not waste time on civil nomination."


5. Mr Patrick Ko Tat-pun

The Voice of Loving Hong Kong convener

"They kept asking why the police did not enforce the law to protect the occupation protesters. I want to tell them. Those occupation people would not have been still occupying the road if the police had enforced the law in the first place to evict them." 


6. Ms Leticia Lee See-yin

Justice Alliance convener

"The order of Hong Kong has been disrupted, traffic paralysed, stores forced to close, people cannot commute to work and students cannot attend classes." 

《The Young Reporter》

The Young Reporter (TYR) started as a newspaper in 1969. Today, it is published across multiple media platforms and updated constantly to bring the latest news and analyses to its readers.


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