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Letter from the Editor - 2014 November issue

TODAY, as this November issue goes to press on 19th November, marks day 53 of the Umbrella Revolution. While public attention seemed to be all on the development of the movement, the government was initiating public consultation on different legislations.

In this November issue, our cover story features the review of Race Dis- crimination Ordinance – whether the scope of the ordinance should be ex- tended to outlaw discrimination to- wards mainlanders, who belong to the same ethnic group as Hongkongers.

Following are features of different issues in society, including the pitfall of the government's project to revitalise old buildings into artists' workshops, the career prospect of retired athletes and how a smartphone became an in- vestment product.

Coming next, we have one of the seven organ transplant coordinators in the city to share the moving stories at her career, and an online political car- toonist to talk about the inspirations

behind his successful series "The Boiling Frog".

We ought not to overlook health issues, even with much political hap- penings in the background. With Chungking Mansions being a popu- lar choice of accommodation among tourists from the Ebola-affected countries, we look at the threat of the deadly disease to the building, and eventually the whole city. Our team also brings you an international sport that has taken over different corners of our city – street workout.

We end this issue with a photo essay of the occupied sites in Admi- ralty, looking at how the protesters have been walking through the move- ment. As the protesters and the gov- ernment could not reach to compro- mise following the open conversation in late October, the movement con- tinues and our team will continue to cover the latest developments. Please stay tuned to our Facebook page and Twitter for timely updates.


Carain Yeung

《The Young Reporter》

The Young Reporter (TYR) started as a newspaper in 1969. Today, it is published across multiple media platforms and updated constantly to bring the latest news and analyses to its readers.


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