Taiwan's President Elect Promised Unity and Strength
- 2016-01-18
Tsai Ing-wen expressed her deepest gratitude to all voters, including those who did not vote for her soon after winning the election.
"Today the Taiwanese people have used their ballots to make history," she said. "We have now experienced the third transition of political power. For the first time there is also a transition of Taiwan's legislative majority."
On relations with mainland China, she warned that any form of suppression will only harm the stability of cross-Strait ties. "Both sides of the Strait have the responsibility to find mutually acceptable means of interaction based on dignity and reciprocity," she said.
"National identity is a right and should be normal. This is something that the international community should respect." She was referring to a public apology made by teenager pop star, Chou Tsu-yu. The girl waved the flag of Taiwan during a performance on Korean television.
"The election results today show that the people of Taiwan enjoy freedom and democracy. As long as I am the president, no one should have to apologise for being Taiwanese."
Tsai then addressed more than 30,000 people on the road outside the DPP's headquarters.
"Tonight, we tell the world through out votes that Taiwan has democracy. There are winners and losers in an election, but democracy will always win," she said.
"Also, I would like to give my gratitude to my two rivals, chairman Chu and chairman Soong. Here, I sincerely invite you two to work with me. The reform will not work without you," said Tsai.
"Keeping our society stable and peaceful is my promise to Taiwanese residents and the world. As the president elect and chairwoman of the party, I will give the first order to my fellows here, which is, you should always remain humble."
"Dignity, unity and confidence, this is our new Taiwan, " Tsai said.
《The Young Reporter》
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